Reference Guide
This section is intended to be used as a general reference and specification reference. If you are new to SmartBackup, you will need to review the full documentation.
Since its first release, SmartBackup has been positioned as one of the leading backup solutions for Smartsheet. There are different editions of the product, depending on your needs, with differing capabilities as outlined further in this Reference Guide.
SmartBackup is offered in two Editions, to accommodate the unique feature and price requirements of teams and organizations.
Free 30-Day Trial of the full Enteprise Edition is available for organizations to experience the solution in their own live environments to determine if it meets your needs.
Business Edition delivers fully featured backup capabilities for small teams.
Enterprise Edition is ideal for company-wide deployments, with centralized control, larger scale requirements, and enterprise flexibility.
Business Edition
You can purchase this directly from the AcuWorkflow web site. This version is packed with features and should cater for most of the situations you encounter as a small team of up to 5 Users.
Enterprise Edition
Please contact AcuWorkflow by submitting this SmartBackup Enterprise Query form for more info.
SmartBackup Platform
The SmartBackup Platform primarily consists of the following components, which can be run independently or in concert with each other.
Backup Function
Makes exact copies, preserving formats, links, rules, and attachments, a feature not available from standard Smartsheet backups.
Archive Function
Drain your Backup Pool automatically to a file-store residing outside of Smartsheet. (Also referred to as a "vault clean-up" function).
Export Function
On-demand or scheduled securing of all or individual sheets to a file-store residing outside Smartsheet. Ideal for Business Continuity, DRP, auditing, or migration scenarios, etc.
Table with latest stable release features are shown. Terms and conditions apply.
Use Limits and Restrictions:
# of Lic Users
Single or Multiple
Access to Smartsheet data
sysAdmin Token
sysAdmin Token
User Provisioning
Manual & Automatic
Backup Vault Provisioning
User defined queues for all Functions
Type of
Full or Incremental
Full or Incremental
Sheets, Dashboards, Reports
Sheets, Dashboards, Reports
# of Sheets
250 each
# of Attachments per sheet
10 per sheet
Unlimited, Admin can set soft limits
# of Dashboards per User
100 (most recent)
exact copy
exact copy
excel + data
excel + data
Type of
Full, Incremental, Specific
Full, Incremental, Specific
Sheets, Reports
Sheets, Reports
zip file + metadata
zip file + metadata
Backup refers to the copying of a Smartsheet object from your Home/Workspace/Folder to a designated Workspace within Smartsheet called the Backup Vault so that it may be used to restore the original in the event of data loss or data corruption.
What can be backed up to the Vault?
Folders (Reports)
Due to Smartsheet API limitations, backup of all Smartsheet objects in a consistent way is not possible.
Sheets and Dashboards are handled in the same way and can be backed up incrementally. Reports are not 'copy-able' nor do they contain a last-changed date and therefore can only be backed up via a folder arrangement. In this way Reports or anything else included in designated folders can be earmarked for backup. This is done using the Smartbackup "Specific" option.
Which sheets are backed up to the Vault?
SmartBackup will automatically determine which Sheets or Dashboards to backup in ALL or INCREMENTAL mode. INCREMENTAL is based on the last modification date for every sheet or dashboard each user owns. By default a backup run will include all sheets and dashboards modified in the last 5
days. This Incremental period can be adjusted based on your needs. Refer to the Administrator Guide for details.
In SPECIFIC mode you need to tell SmartBackup which sheets, dashboards or folders to include in the Backup run.
How many sheets will be backed up during a backup run?
The scope of sheets changed within the 5
day period (or other period chosen) will determine the actual number of sheets backed-up.
All Owned Sheets will be considered for each User
All Owned Sheets will be considered for each User in the Account
Will backup all sheets meeting the set criteria for each User (Up to a soft limit of 250 Sheets per User)
Will backup all sheets meeting the set criteria for each User in the Account
To exclude certain sheets from being backed-up each User can rename those Sheets starting with zz2.
For example, if you have a sheet called “Campaign Plan”, then simply rename that sheet to “zz2.Campaign Plan
”, and then it will no longer be included in future backups.
What is included for every backed up sheet?
All sheets backed up will be an exact copy of the original including the following:
Discussion / Comments
Shared Filters
Automation Rules**
** The SmartBackup Administrator can turn these options ON or OFF by editing the config.yml
file. NOTE: Cell history is not backed-up.
NOTE: If Smartsheet Legacy Resource Management is enabled in a source Sheet, resource allocations in all backup copies of that Sheet will be included in the Legacy Resource Management reports. This will result in invalid resource utilization data. Instead, if you need a robust resource management solution then consider using Resource Management by Smartsheet.
What format is the backup sheet?
The backup sheet is the same format as the original Sheet, and it is saved in the User's Smartsheet environment.
For every Backup run, a folder named zz2.YYYY_MM_DD_HHMM_userid
will be created within the designated Backup Vault (Smartsheet Workspace) and all the sheets and dashboards meeting the backup criteria for a particular User will be saved within that User's "Vault" workspace.
Sheets and Dashboards in the Vault will be prefixed with an id of zz2.
followed by the original name. The reason for renaming this way is so that they can be recognized as backup copies and to help with identifying the backup copies when searching for Sheets and Dashboards. This also allows SmartBackup to identify the backup copies so that it does not create backups of the backup copies.
The SmartBackup Administrator can optionally decide to add the SheetID to the backup copy name, therefore it becomes
by turning on addsheetid. NOTE: The name will be truncated to fit into the Smartsheet max size of 50 characters.
Optional Parameters
The following optional parameters can be supplied when you invoke Backup.
These optional parameters may be combined together.
For example: backup.exe -d=3 -i=incremental -q=FinDept
will find all sheets and dashboards that have changed in the last 3 days and where the User is assigned to a Queue called "FinDept" and will create backup copies of those assets and save them to the User's vault workspace.
-d or --days
Backup all Sheets and Dashboards that have changed within the last days
backup.exe -d=60
-i or --include
Followed by any of these keywords: all
The default if no optional parameter supplied is -i=specific
backup.exe -i=incremental
Backup everything in each User's Smartsheet account. NOTE: Use this with caution, as it can result in a very large data transfer, with associated timeout errors, and it will result in creating a complete copy of your entire Smartsheet deployment. Contact AcuWorkflow if you have a need to perform this type of extensive backup operation.
backup.exe -i=all
backup specific named sheets, reports or folders. Specify the items via Settings.
backup.exe -i=specific
backup sheets and dashboards based on last changed date. Must be used in combination with the -d parameter.
backup.exe -i=incremental -d=5
-q or --queue
queue name. When supplied only members with same queue name can be processed separately and/or in parallel.
backup.exe -q=FinDept
-l or --log
Optionally set logging level = debug, info, warning.
backup.exe -l=warning
For Logging, a rotational Log file called Backup_logx
.log will be created in the ..\data directory with timestamped entries. If you encounter an error, you can review this log file for error details.
Archive refers to the archiving (copying or moving) of a backed up sheet from your Vault to a designated local drive. Optionally, the SmartBackup Admin can specify that the Vaulted (backup copy) be removed during this process by setting the flag. See Administrator Guide Settings for details.
Which sheets are archived from the Vault?
SmartBackup will automatically determine which sheets to archive. It is based on the last backup date for every sheet in the Vault. By default, an archive run will archive all sheets that were backed-up more than 5 days ago. This period can be adjusted based on your needs.
How many sheets will be archived during a archive run?
The scope of sheets changed within the 5
day period (or period chosen) will determine the actual number of sheets archived.
All Vaulted (backed up) Sheets will be considered for each User
All Vaulted (backed up) Sheets will be considered for Account
Will archive all sheets meeting set criteria for each User
Will archive all sheets meeting set criteria for Account
What is included for every archive sheet?
All sheets archived are different to the original format. Mainly due to the fact that it is re-instantiated outside the Smartsheet environment as an Excel file. Therefore most Smartsheet features cannot be archived, in part due to Excel incompatibilities and what is available in the Smartsheet API.
Consider these Archived copies as a "third level" backup copy that contains the minimum amount of data for backed-up sheets.
Discussion / Comments
Shared Filters
Automation Rules
🔲 Some formats will be arranged within the Excel sheet.
What format is the archive sheet?
The archive sheet is an Excel XLSX file.
For every Archive run a folder zz3.YYYY_MM_DD_HHMM_userid
will be created within the designated Archive Pool (filestore) and all the sheets meeting archive criteria for a particular User will be saved within that folder.
Sheets within the folder will be prefixed with an id of zz3.
followed with 100
step up number, followed by the original name. The reason for renaming these files so that they can be recognized as archive copies and the step-up number ensures unique sheet names on the file system (within Smartsheet one can have duplicate sheet names). Same file names are not allowed in file systems within a single folder and therefore must be unique.
The following optional parameters can be supplied when you invoke the Archive function.
Optional Parameters
The following optional parameters can be supplied when you invoke Archive
-a or --archive
Archive all Sheets successfully backed up to the Vault so many days
or more ago.
archive.exe -a=60
-q or --queue
queue name. When supplied only members with same queue name can be processed separately and/or in parallel.
archive.exe -q=FinDept
These optional parameters may be combined together.
For example: archive.exe -a=60 -q=FinDept
will find all folders and sheets in the Vault workspace that are older than 60 days and where the User is assigned to a Queue called "FinDept" and will create external Excel-format archive copies of those sheets and save them to the Archive location on the server as defined in the SmartBackup Console.
The SmartBackup Administrator can optionally set flag to remove the associated Backup copies from the Vault on successful archiving those files to disk. See the Administrator Guide for details.
Export refers to the copying of a Smartsheet sheet from Smartsheet to a designated local drive. It is ideal for creating regular copies of your data for snapshot and history purposes. The major differences between Backup and Export are that Backup duplicates the Sheet within Smartsheet whereas Export makes a copy of the Sheet and saves it to an external file store outside of Smartsheet. Therefore, the first is an exact copy preserving all information, whereas the latter may lose some Smartsheet specific details.
Which Sheets are Exported from Smartsheet?
SmartBackup will automatically determine which sheets to export or you can manually specify which sheets to include in each Export run. The options are:
This option requires you to specify the id
of the Sheet or Report to export. Using this method you may export individual Sheets or Reports.
This option will automatically Export all Sheets except Backup Vault contents. In the latter case the folder structures will be exported.
This option will export only sheets that were modified within the last x
days. The number of days must be indicated with the -d=x option.
This option will only export the Workspace and folder structures for each User.
How many sheets will be exported during an Export run?
The scope of sheets changed within the 5
day period (or period chosen) will determine the actual number of sheets exported, when using the incremental option.
All Sheets will be considered for the User
All Sheets will be considered for each User
All Sheets will be considered for each User in the Account
Restricted to 3 Sheets with 3 attachments each
Unlimited Sheets, no more than 10 attachments each
Unlimited Sheets, unlimited attachments, but Administrator can set soft limits
What is included for every Export sheet?
All sheets exported are different to the original format in Smartsheet. This is mainly due to the fact that each sheet is re-instantiated outside the Smartsheet environment as an Excel file. Therefore some Smartsheet features cannot be exported, in part due to Excel incompatibilities and what is available in the Smartsheet API.
Note that these exported copies are more comprehensive than the archive copies, and because of the unique "packing note" files that accompany each exported copy, offer the richest possible externally saved backup copies available on the market today.
Discussion / Comments
Shared Filters
Automation Rules
🔲 Supplied in Packing Notes files, which are .txt files included in each ZIP export. These require some detailed review when you want to use the data for restore operations. This feature is unique to SmartBackup and should be considered as a very high value feature - not available in any other solution. For example, this Packing Note data can be used to restore Formulas, Drop Down lists, Formatting, Rules, and Attachments for a User or for the organization.
What format is the Export sheet?
The export sheet is an Excel XLSX file contained within a zipped file structure. It will contain multiple folders depending on what is present. For example images and pdf attachments.
XLSX file (containing all sheet data)
Packing Notes, json based files
Sheet_Packingnote (always)
Rule_Packingnote (if rules was present in sheet)
Attachments_Packingnote (if attachments were present in the sheet)
Attachments sub folder
Attachments (if attachments were present in the sheet)
A Summary file SUMMARY.xlsx
will also be created in the root folder of every user run, containing a list of exported files for the run.
Where are Exports located?
All exports will reside under the path name specified in Export Settings Path. or every Export run a hierarchical folder structure starting with Username
then RecoveryPointHH_MM
will be created.
In the event that a duplicate sheet name is detected in the same export folder, it will be renamed as
If a duplicate Workspace name or any duplicate Folder names within same child-folder are detected, a warning will be displayed and export operations will stop for the User being processed. The reason is that file systems do not allow duplicate folder tree arrangements since it acts as a path.
Optional Parameters
The following optional parameters can be supplied when you invoke Export.
-d or --days
Export all Sheets changed within the last days
export.exe -d=60
-i or --include
Followed by any of these keywords: all
The default if no optional parameter supplied is -i=specific
export.exe -i=incremental
export everything in the User space and maintain the tree folder hierarchy. Ideal for a DRP recovery point. NOTE: Use this with caution, as it can result in a very large data transfer, with associated timeout errors. Contact AcuWorkflow if you have a need to perform this type of extensive export operation.
export.exe -i=all
export only the Tree folder hierarchy.
export.exe -i=outline
export specific named sheets or reports.
export.exe -i=specific
export sheets based on last changed date. Must be used in combination with the -d parameter.
export.exe -i=incremental -d=5
-q or --queue
queue name. When supplied only members with same queue name can be processed separately and/or in parallel.
export.exe -q=FinDept
-l or --log
Turn logging on with level = debug, info, warning
export.exe -l=warning
These optional parameters may be combined together.
For example: export.exe -d=3 -i=incremental -q=FinDept
will find all sheets that have changed in the last 3 days and where the User is assigned to a Queue called "FinDept" and will create Export copies of those assets and save them to the Export location on the server as defined in the SmartBackup Console.
Last updated