
The Resources section provides valuable additional Resources in support of SmartBackup.


We've created a cheat sheet consisting of concise notes that can make your SmartBackup life more productive and effective.

Subjects covered are:

  1. Operations

  2. Capabilities

  3. Options

  4. Planning Scenarios

  5. Setup

  6. Run Book

Sample Evaluation Sheet

Feel free to download and modify the Evaluation sheet which is designed to help build the business case for deploying SmartBackup in your environment.

Subjects covered are:

  1. List of Requirements

  2. Your Rating

  3. Summary

Sample Motivation Pack

Feel free to download and modify the sample Motivation Pack to help you capture, solidify and record the case for SmartBackup in your environment.

Subjects covered are:

  1. Business or Motivational Case

  2. Reasoning

  3. Considerations

For Enterprise Customers who wants to record the case, pack can be handy to capture motivational reasoning.

Quick Notes

We get it! You may not have time to read all the documentation, herewith some quick notes for Enterprise Users to get you going in no time.

Once you have installed SmartBackup, you will be able to launch the application and at first a ā€œcommandā€ window will pop-up. This small window is referred to as the ā€œconsole serverā€ window. Please donā€™t close this, but keep it open in the background while using the SmartBackup Console. After a few seconds, the main SmartBackup Console window will open, and this is where you will do the configuration steps, and you can also run the Backups, Archives, and Exports from this console. SECURITY NOTICE

If your organization uses a firewall or security device, you may need to configure that device to allow traffic to and from the following domains:

Smartsheet Corporation:

  • *.smartsheet.com

  • api.smartsheet.com

  • app.smartsheet.com

  • mps.smartsheet.com

Amazon Web Services as the Smartsheet Hosting Platform:

  • aws.smartsheet.com

  • s3.amazonaws.com

AcuWorkflow Licensing Sever:

  • license.acuworkflow.com


Once you get to this point, complete the following steps:

  1. Login to Smartsheet and generate an API Token. You will need to have Admin rights to your Smartsheet deployment to generate a ā€œsysadminā€ API Token.

  2. Be sure to copy and save this API Token in a safe place ā€“ and we recommend saving the token in Notepad or OneNote. Donā€™t use Excel.

  3. Next, in the SmartBackup Console, click on the ā€œConfigurationā€ menu in the top right corner (three dots), and click ā€œSettingsā€.

  4. Click and expand the ā€œGeneralā€ tab, and make sure that the ā€œUse sysadminTokenā€ is ā€œOnā€. Then click ā€œSave the Settings!ā€

  5. Next click on the ā€œMembersā€ option on the left menu to switch to the ā€œMembersā€ screen. This is where you will generate the list of all the Smartsheet Licensed users in your company.

  6. Now copy and paste the sysadmin API Token that you generated in Smartsheet earlier into the sysAdminToken field, and then click ā€œSAVE!ā€

  7. You should receive a confirmation message that it was saved successfully.

  8. Now click the ā€œRefresh from Smartsheetā€ blue button. This will start the process of pulling the user details down from Smartsheet.

  9. After a short while the list of usernames will appear below in the window.

  10. Next, click on the ā€œSettingsā€ link to go back to the settings screen.

  11. Now click and expand the ā€œBackupā€ section, and in the ā€œAutomated Backup Vault Configurationā€ section, click on the ā€œCreate User Backup Vaultsā€ green button.

  12. This will automatically create a backup vault workspace in each userā€™s Smartsheet account with the special name as shown in the description.


At this point you should be good to go.

  • To perform your first Backup, click on the [Backups] option from the left-hand menu and click the [Run Now!] button. The application will create backups of all sheets that have changed within the last 5 days (this is the default, which can be adjusted) for all users and will save those backup copies in each usersā€™ Smartsheet account workspace ā€˜vaultā€™.

  • You can also run an Archive, but because there will be nothing to archive yet, it will not make any copies.

    To perform your first Archive, you must wait for aforementioned backup job to compete. As with the Backup Menu, you select [Archives] option from the left-hand menu and click the [Run Now!] button. Once again the default setting is 5 days, and is user adjustable. In this case anything older than 5 days will be archived.

  • To perform your first Export, navigate to the Export Menu as above, and click the [Run Now!] button to present a list of options. You may select between [All], [Outline], [Specific] when configured, or [Incremental]. The Incremental option once again has a default setting of 5 days which is user adjustable, which will export copies of each userā€™s sheets that have changed within the last ā€˜Nā€™ days.


Once you have all of this tested and working, you can use the Windows Task Scheduler to setup automatic Backups, archives, and exports to run on a schedule. You can find more details on how to do that here.

Last updated